Port Wentworth Market Series

Vendor Registration 

Each event has only a limited amount of vendors we approximate about 50 vendors per event. We will limit vendor types like dessert/sweets, candles, honey, etc. Updates will be made on the ordering page.

Step One

Please make sure that you have become a qualified vendor before signing up to one of the vendor spots below. You only need to be approved once for any Live Like Local events. (Vendor’s Wanted Link)

Step Two

If you are approved you will receive an email and/or text message with a link to return here and register for the event.

Welcome Vendors!

Our main vendor category is designed to help our home based businesses, artists, craft, and authors. Businesses that have a brick and mortar store are considered sponsors (see below). 


Food Trucks, Tent Food Vendors, Small Businesses and Independent Contractors

Sponsoring our events has it’s benefits

A small business sponsor is designed for realtors, insurance agents, brick and mortar businesses that are looking for more exposure than the typical maker and wish to be a part of our events.

why sponsor

Why Sponsor Our Port Wentworth Events?

  • Our digital marketing campaigns reach tens of thousands of people between Live Like Locals reach and the reach of the City of Port Wentworth
  • The road frontage on Hwy 21 is one of the most busiest roads in Chatham County, our signage will be on it, reaching thousands.
  • Our guerilla marketing campaigns from fliers and posters in local businesses also reaches thousands of people
  • We also use video to promote the events
  • Meet your future customers in person
  • We’re promote to the growing Hispanic community through our Latin platform Live Like Locals Latinos

Standard Sponsor includes:

  • A 10 x 10 vendor space – tent NOT provided
  • Listed on the main event page
  • A Short Form video announcing the business
  • An SEO optimized article to highlight business on social media

Title Sponsor includes:

  • A 10 x 10 vendor space – tent provided for you
  • Listed on the main event page and banner on Live Like Locals homepage
  • A Short Form video announcing the business
  • A Two minute video promoting your video on social media
  • An SEO optimized article to highlight business on social media and email campaigns
  • Listed on all print material, posters, fliers etc.
  • Listed on Weekly Email Campaigns
Sponsor - kid's craft station

Why Sponsor the Kid’s Craft Station:

  • Employee Engagement: Your team leads crafts for the kiddos.
  • Networking: You get to meet all the parents (potential customers) while the kiddos are at the station creating.
  • Brand Awareness: Send your team in your company’s logo’d gear. Have a BIG presence.
  • Marketing: Look to the right – those are all the ways that Live Like Locals will promote YOU.

What You Get:

  • A 10 x 20 tent provided for you
  • Tables & Chairs provided for you
  • All activities supplies provided for you
  • Listed on the main event page
  • A Short Form video announcing your participation
  • An SEO optimized article to highlight business on social media
  • Logo listed on all digital event pages (Facebook event, Eventbrite, etc.)