resident events - live like locals savannah

types of resident events

These are all indoor activities. For larger outdoor activities with games, please send us a message and let’s build a customized event specific for your property.

bingo night - live like locals savannah


trivia night - live like locals savannah


karaoke night - live like locals savannah


fun fest - live like locals savannah

Fun Fest

game night - live like locals savannah

Game Night


Let Live Like Locals Host
Your Next Community Event

When you hire Live Like Locals Savannah to host your event, we do all of the heavy lifting so that you can simply attend the event and spend time engaging with your residents. You make one call and we do the rest.

Here are a few things you can expect when we plan your resident events:


We host the event / activities to keep residents entertained & engaged.

digital marketing<br />

We design the digital graphics.
We write emails to drive interest and attendance.

print<br />

We design, print and deliver co-branded posters to put up around your property.

web page

When events are open to the public, we create an event page  list them on our website.

Schedule Quarterly or Monthly Activities

Consistent events builds consistent participation.

Residents will establish a greater connection to your property.

Those who feel a connection are likely to STAY LONGER and even recommend your property.

Engaged Residents Stay Longer - Live Like Locals Savannah Events
Engaged Residents Stay Longer - Live Like Locals Savannah Events
Engaged Residents Stay Longer - Live Like Locals Savannah Events

attract new residents

You have the option to have your event listed on our local events page and bring the community to your property. This is a creative way to host an open house and attract new potential residents.

Ready to get your community started?

Complete the form below or email us at and we’ll help you get started
