Chatham County Parks & Recreation and Live Like Locals will be converting Tom Triplett Park a 200 acre park in Pooler, Georgia into a Mega Pop-up Market with over 100+ vendors in support of makers and artisans. These vendors will surround a 1.5 mile lake in the front part of the park. 

The excitement doesn’t end… in the rear part of the park we’ll have a Farmer’s Market with locally sourced produce. The Farmer’s Market area will also include free educational programs and free early morning workouts in an effort to promote healthy living. 

Welcome to Tom Triplett Park

Mega Pop-up Market Area

Savannah has some incredible artisans and makers. Meet some of your neighbors and take home a gem for your health, your home, the kiddos or just for fun.

We believe in having FREE family friendly activities. Our kid’s corner will feature games and crafts for all ages. Plan to stop by and stay awhile.

Clay Hodges and Shena Verrett are bringing some local talent to share their gifts with us.  Feel free to bring a chair and hang out awhile. 

There will be stations where you can learn about other cultures. Learn about the traditions, sights, sounds and flavors of our neighbors. 

Farmer’s Market Area

Enjoy locally grown and sourced meat, fruit and veggies. We have some incredible farms in and around the Savannah Metro area. 

Learn about beekeeping, composting, get some new recipes and much more. Workshops are FREE but you must register in advance.

Don’t worry about lunch. We have you covered. There will be several food trucks onsite for you to enjoy. Grab lunch and sit in the entertainment zone for a free show.

We’re starting the farmer’s market with some movement. We’ll have one free workout class at 10:30AM. Workouts are FREE but you must register in advance.

Save the Date

Register to win prizes by entering and visiting the Live Like Locals booth during the event. 

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